Question 42:
You work as a machine learning specialist at a firm that runs a web application that allows users to research and compare real estate properties worldwide. You are working on a property foreclosure model to predict potential price drops. You have decided to use the SageMaker Linear Learner algorithm. Here is a small sample of the data you’llhave to work with: | Type | Bedrooms | Area | Solar_Rating | Price | Foreclosed | | condo |2| 2549 | H | 125400| N| | house |4| 4124 | M | 250250| Y| | house |3| 3250 | | 200000| N| | condo |1| 900 | N |90250 | N| | condo |2|?| L| 125400| Y| In order to feed this data into your model, you will first need to clean and format your data. Which of the following SageMaker built-in scikit-learn library transformers would you use to clean and format your data? Select 4.
Answer options:
A.StandardScaler to encode the Solar_Rating feature B.OneHotEncoder to encode the Area feature C.SimpleImputer to complete the missing values in the Solar_Rating and Area features D.OneHotEncoder to encode the Type feature E.OrdinalEncoder to complete the missing values in the Solar_Rating and Area features F.OrdinalEncoder to encode the Solar_Rating feature G.LabelBinarizer to encode the Foreclosed feature H. MinMaxScaler to encode the Foreclosed feature