
AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam Questions


AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty

30 / 258

Question 30:

You work for a web retailer where you need to analyze data produced for your company by an outside market data provider. You need to produce recommendations based on patterns in user preferences by demographic found in the supplied data. You have stored the data in one of your company’s S3 buckets. You have created a Glue crawler that you have configured to crawl the data on S3 and you have written a custom classifier. Unfortunately, the crawler failed to create a schema. Why might the Glue crawler have failed in this way?

Answer options:

A.You did not add an exclude pattern when you configured the data store.
B.The IAM role you assigned to the crawler has the AWSGlueServiceRole managed policy attached plus an inline policy that allows read access to your S3 bucket.
C.All the classifiers returned a certainty of 0.0
D.You chose to create a single schema for each S3 path.