Correct Answers: B, C and D
Option A is incorrect. Here database is not a currently supported data source for Indexers in Azure.
Option B is correct. You can index data stored in Cosmos DB using Indexer in Azure Cognitive Search by passing the value as cosmosdb to the type variable of a POST or PUT statement.
Option C is correct. You can index data stored in Azure Table Storage using Indexer in Azure Cognitive Search by passing the value as azuretable to the type variable of a POST or PUT statement.
Option D is correct. You can index data stored in Azure SQL database or SQL managed instance using Indexer in Azure Cognitive Search by passing the value as azuresql to the type variable of a POST or PUT statement.
Option E is incorrect. Oracle database is not a currently supported data source for Indexers in Azure.
To learn more about supported data sources for Indexers in Azure, use the links given below: