Question 79:
You are tasked to create a cognitive resource in Azure that you will use to extract printed or handwritten text from images. You plan to create it in the East US Azure region using the standard pricing tier. Assuming that you have met all the prerequisites such as creating the resource group, service principal and installing client libraries, choose the most appropriate create_resource syntax that you will call in your application for this purpose. (select one answer choice)
Answer options:
A.create_resource(client, "Extract_Text", "CustomVision.Prediction", "S1", "eastus"); B.create_resource(client, "Extract_Text", "TextTranslation", "S0", "eastus"); C.create_resource(client, "Extract_Text", "ComputerVision", "S1", "eastus"); D.create_resource(client, "Extract_Text", "TextAnalytics", "S0", "eastus");