
Oracle Application Express 18: Developing Web Applications Exam Questions


Oracle Application Express 18: Developing Web Applications

20 / 36

Question 20:

Sam is updating an application with a report (Page 10) and form (Page 11), where the form page has Page Mode "Normal." She wants to update the form page to a modal dialog, so it can be called from multiple report pages. Sam has already changed Page Mode to "Modal Dialog", removed the breadcrumb region, added a button region to the dialog footer, and moved the buttons to the new region. Whenever she opens the form page from a different report page (Page 15), it keeps returning to the original report page (Page 10) when she cancels or submits the form page. Which three steps must Sam perform to get the modal page to always return to the report page from which it was called? (Choose three.) 

Answer options:

A. Create a Dynamic Action of type Close Dialog that fires whenever the DELETE, SAVE, or CREATE button is pressed.
B. Change the action on the CANCEL button to "Defined by Dynamic Action."
C. Create a Dynamic Action of type Cancel Dialog that fires when the CANCEL button is clicked.
D. Add a Close Dialog process.
E. Add a branch that redirects to an item holding the calling page.
F. Create a hidden page item to hold the calling page and update the calls to the form page to populate the item.
G. Update the branch to return to the correct calling page.