A: * The WEB-INF directory contains the deployment descriptors for the Web application (web.xml and weblogic.xml) and two subdirectories for storing compiled Java classes and library JAR files. * Web Application - WEB-INF/web.xml ( WEB-INF/weblogic.xml ) The WEB-INF directory is a vital component of your web application. Web application wont run without it.It contains a heirarcy in which youll find the necessary configuration information for your web application, and all the class files for your servlets and classes that are called up by your JSPs. WEB-INF folder contains all the class files for your servlets and classes that are called up by your JSPs B: Enterprise Application - META-INF/application.xml (META-INF/weblogic-application.xml) and META-INF/ejb-jar.xml ( META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml ) Generally comprises of EJBs. Bussiness Tier of an application and EJB basically handels the Bussiness logic of application (distributed objects) META-INF/application.xml containes Mappings and security roles etc.whereas META-INF/ejb-jar.xml containes ejb classes , session beans mapping etc., The META-INF directory is related to .jar files, It contains the manifest file which has list of jars. A context-root setting in application.xml takes precedence over context-root setting in weblogic.xml (The context root of a web application determines which URLs weblogic will delegate to your web application. Note: * Deployment descriptors are xml documents that describe runtime behaviour for the deployment unit. The XML file contains information such as the context root of the web application and the mapping of the portable names of an application`s resources to the application Server`s resources