
Apex and Visualforce Controllers Exam Questions


Apex and Visualforce Controllers

24 / 96

Question 24:

A section of data within an <apex:pageBlock> component, similar to a section in a standard Salesforce page layout definition. An <apex:pageBlockSection> component consists of one or more columns, each of which spans two cells: one for a field`s label, and one for its value. Each component found in the body of an <apex:pageBlockSection> is placed into the next cell in a row until the number of columns is reached. At that point, the next component wraps to the next row and is placed in the first cell. To add a field from a Salesforce object to an <apex:pageBlockSection>, use an <apex:inputField> or <apex:outputField> component. Each of these components automatically displays with the field`s associated label. To add fields for variables or methods that are not based on Salesforce object fields, or to customize the format of Salesforce object field labels, use an <apex:pageBlockSectionItem> component. Each <apex:inputField>, <apex:outputField>, or <apex:pageBlockSectionItem> component spans both cells of a single column. 

Answer options:

A. apex:outputLabel
B. apex:actionPoller
C. apex:pageblockSection
D. apex:facet